$180.00 USD

We are available for individualized advice & guidance, for anyone who's either just starting in the online world, or those already engaged in it, and need ideas, support, and direction.
Note: this package is NOT meant for medical advice. Although my medical degree and experience working in healthcare do come in handy for healthcare brands looking to grow online, my services are strictly digital-related. YOU CAN BOOK THIS INTRODUCTORY SESSION ONLY ONCE.

Strategy Call

We believe the first step to identify when looking to make a change is your "Why." 

The foundation of this consulting call is to help you clarify your Why so that we can offer the best direction through appropriate guidance, where you can begin with a plan of actionable steps.


We will help you create conscious clarity on why you are looking at making a shift so we can help you develop the best direction to suit your journey ahead.


After coming up with the best direction forward with you, we will also suggest why you might consider looking into certain places to invest time, effort, money, and energy.

Actionable Next Steps:

I remember the first time I heard John C. Maxwell say, "The greatest Gap in the world is that which is between knowing and doing."  Yes, the first step is knowing you want to {Shift}.   Over the years, this step has received a tremendous amount of credit.  And while that ever-so-important first step is critical, it's the next step, which tends to be the most important, and that is the action.  Based on our time together, we will help you create real, tangible/actionable steps to allow you to begin working on your next move, whether those be how to best continue with entering deeper into our community or redirect you into a path that will guide you more usefully.

For those of you for whom our programs are not a perfect fit, know this.  Our number one goal in all we do is to "add value to people," whether through our offerings or those who we believe would be better suited for your goals.